Chris, believe me, this is meant only as constructive criticism. First of all, I love your voice and your stylings, kind of "White soul" (hope that doesn't offend anyone - it shouldn't, if you're a musician). I have no doubt that with the guidance of a good Pro Producer, you could make it big.
My problem has more to do with the robotic feel of the T2 arranger. It's probably true of all arrangers, though some seem to hide it better than others ("live" feel). IMO, the better "pure singer" you are, the more you want to distance yourself from simple style-based, arranger backings. Obviously, it's not always practical to get pro-level live accompaniment, but you can make style-based accompaniment somewhat more interesting by adding a few fills, tempo breaks, alternate chord voicings, etc.
Bottom line, love the singing but think you can get more out of the T2. Very enjoyable, nonetheless.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]