Error 3 I/O indicates the system disk (floppy) is damaged or has not been initialized yet. The MC500 loads its operating system by floppy (for the sake of
upgrades.) The only upgrade I know of is the SMRC software, latest upgrade available on the Roland site thru SynthZone). This SMRC (Super MRC)operating system for MC500MkII will work in your unit. However, the MkII has expanded memory which allows the entire op system to be loaded at once. Used in the original MC500, SMRC is only partly loaded and certain functions prompt for the systems disk when called for. I also recall there was a template (new labels) which clarified SMRC functions on the keys of the original unit. I can send you the original MC-500 systems disk, since I owned one prior to the MkII upgrade. I also have other program disks for the MC-500 including Rhythm Bank (also see Roland site), a Bulk Librarian, and also Performance Package, all Roland items. My PC won't accommodate them or I would have zipped them along. If interested, you can send your mailing address to Good luck. Tom Bornhorst