You guys bitch about a 40 lb keyboard. Now you want to haul a 52" TV around with you? Jeez... it's hard enough to get them to stop watching the TV if it has anything on it, and maybe just look at YOU, now you want to add to their distractions.
Hey, cassp... go for it! Best of luck. Oh, hang on a minute, you are saying you WOULDN'T do any of this, but you think someone else might...
Kind of sounds like the Roland Marketing dept.. "Well, maybe WE would never use it, but maybe possibly there is SOMEONE who might... Let's go ahead and build it anyway!"
They are having a hard enough time just selling regular arrangers these days. What better way to increase sales than add a bunch of marginally convergent features (that no-one I know would use in a million years) to an overweight, overpriced, underperforming arranger housed in an unmovable case?
Let's face it, how many of us here would lug this monster around so the could show some video during the show (and if we did, surely a DVD player is a LOT less expensive)? In fact, how many of us do this now (this ain't something that we COULDN'T do even without a VIMA)?
Darn few, if any. I don't get out in the sun THAT much... but I sure would like to know what you are smoking cassp

Roland E80 already can synchronize pictures with registrations, and scroll lyrics on an external TV superimposed on the pictures (while you still monitor the regular touch screen. Just exactly how many players here have you heard go 'This is the greatest thing ever added to an arranger!! You have GOT to get this added to your OS!'
I can IMAGINE someone that MIGHT like to have a mini-bar built in to their home keyboard..! There's probably at least ONE person that could use this. But I wouldn't expect for one minute that a company like Korg or Yamaha would build it and try to market it! At least, not in the US.
No, this is a product for the karaoke and camera obsessed far east. I just don't see the cultural need for this over here, and, to be honest, I hope I never do.