Hi Hammer,
on my PA800 I use the Erase function in Media Edit Mode.
I choose the SSD_s folder which comes up with ALL
Press OPen
Find Styles
Press Open
Find the Bank
Press open
You Just Keep pressing Open till you locate the style you want to delete.
Be careful with this function as you could inadvertantly delete files you don't mean to.
I accidently deleted all my user styles one day with a simple press of a button. Fortunately since then I always Save everthing before I delete stuff , just in case.
Your PA1X may work the same way.
I mainly use the erase function for when I'm editing or creating a style. I end up with 10 copies of the same style at varying stages & I find it safer to delete.
best wishes
Originally posted by hammer:
On the PA1X - is there a way to delete a style from the keyboard or must it me done from a PC?