Hello Tracey:
One thing you need to know, the User styles in the Yamaha arrangers are "single" units, in the Korg Protocol, they are User01 that is a set of SEVERAL styles, in other words, they are organized in "groups" into a User Bank.
SO, be careful using the LOAD command, you may Load the entire "group" and perhaps, you just MAY want to load a single particular style, for that, use the OPEN command in the User#, then you can use the LOAD, but this time will load the style that you may have selected into the location that you want it.
Remember that you also have besides the User banks, the "Favorites" bank locations, and if you need more locations for user styles, this is a Korg and Ketron arrangers exclusive, you CAN replace the factory styles that you do not use....just in case, this was very useful in the previous models due to the limited user memory locations.
I hope this can help you too.