Here also some video demo update of the Qranger and how to import EMC styles.
First run the EMC Style converter and export to SEQ the styles: then copy the all styles-midifiles on the MS Hard disk with WinScp ( you can use also the USB memory stick): After you have the all styles on the MS HD, you can start use the Qranger editor: here some simple example how to load EMC midi styles and add some Audio tracks.
Note that the Qranger editor have only the Direct mode switch, so when you touch with the mouse one pattern/chords tab, will switch direct, without quantization switch mode.
here another demo how to import multiple styles and save it on new session file: After the session is saved, under MS Ptach you can recall and witch the all patterns/chords under direct or quatize mode.
After one Qranger session is loaded, you can every time press EDIT, will open the editor, you can make the all editing that you want and save it again.
Also available SAVE AS: where you can save a new version with different audio loops/midi/effects and so on...
In the main style folder will be saved multiple session used like a presets, where then you can define wich session/preset Dfault you will use every time that you return back to play this style.
Maybe now you get better the idea how is working this tool..more simple like that...