I hope this isn't already covered (I did try some searches) - this questions is for Tyros2 and/or S900 owners.
In addition to the Music Finder database (I have the one with "real" song titles), has anyone generated a list of popular song titles and best / recommended style to use for each? I will eventually be doing this, as I get my S900 ready to use on gigs. I'll be glad to share my list once I do it. It'll take time to go thru a bunch of styles, trying to select the one that best suits each of a the several hundred songs I want to play.
I'm hoping that perhaps alot of people have already done this sort of thing, and if so, posted some Song Title lists, and best style to go with these songs. I'm mainly talking about built-in styles for now; I know that there are lots of "extra" styles I can download, but I'm trying to resist having 10,000 styles to search thru when I play a song, and only use a few hundred styles (at least for now).
Any advice - or pointers to "Sing Title Lists" and recommended Style (or list of Yamaha styles and songs that go well with them)? I realize that for many songs, there may not be ONE best style, but maybe a few styles that all fit that song fairly well. I know it's a subjective thing - but I'm guessing that some time could be saved if there were an easy way to share this kind of info.
If it hasn't been done, I wonder how easy it would be to create a big database where people could put in their song title - to - style recommendations in a way that others can use (i.e. share this info)?
Genos / Tyros5 / HK Lucas Nano 600 / FTB Maxx 40a / EV ZX1A / Rock'n'Roller cart / Hauptwerk virtual pipe organ / misc other audio & music toys