No... pretty much everyone that hated it still does, and those that liked it still do.

Same as most other things. I STILL hate tea, and love coffee after fifty years of trying!
The updates to the G70 never changed the SOUNDS (they are ROM only). They added some EQ and re-voiced the styles (first ones were a bit reverb-heavy), but in all fairness, it was never anything you couldn't do for yourself with some work (loathe as many are to make that effort!).
OS changes were another thing, but they made little difference to the sound. You could ALWAYS change that, now even more so, but far too many wanted it to sound perfect OOTB, and no two people's idea of perfect is the same! I always assume I'm going to have to re-voice and re-EQ anything I buy, so it never worried me...
It's strange, but there are some very enthusiastic recent buyers of the E60, which shares a LOT in common with the G70. Probably only the price of the G70 prevented them from being as enthusiastic when it first came out, and I agree it was overpriced (but I believe the T2 to be that in spades!). Perhaps if it had been in the mid $2k's and up, rather than mid $3k and up, peoples opinion of the sounds might have been different! It's funny how price changes our hearing...

But if you are too lazy to change a bunch of reverb levels, re-voice a few styles, re-work some OTSs, your choice of ANYTHING being perfect 'for you' gets pretty slim...