Originally posted by zuki:
Many folks get a product and spend months on end trying to make it work, only to get frustrated
Whereas some folks get a product, spend months on it, and get rewarded. Just how full is the glass, Zuki..?
If you always think that anything that needs initial effort isn't worth the time, I am sad that your life has led you to expect that. One would have thought that, as a successful businessman, you would have been the FIRST to acknowledge that most things don't come perfect the first time. Imagine if Edison had your approach.
The truth is, you have probably forgotten how long it took you to master the Yamaha's to the level you are at now. And simply assume that anything new should be as 'instinctive' as you have persuaded yourself that Yamaha's are, once you forget about the time that 'instinct' took to develop. Give almost anything else that same amount of time, odds are you WILL find it both easier (for some features) and harder (for others). That's just how it is.
One can only hope your ability to find the time to develop new instincts increases for your T2 purchase. Otherwise, back to the shop for it! Whatever new features the T2 has will take as long to grasp as any other arrangers. Sure, the features it has in common with the S900 will feel natural, but get this frustrated with ANY effort to master the sampler, for instance, and you might as well stick to the S900...
The list at the top of the thread from you is amusing, at best. As a businessman, how much stock do you set in someone ELSE'S opinion, that has spent as little time as you on developing that opinion? Probably about as much as you would put in mine, were I to buy an S900 for a day, and then place it at the bottom (or close!) of every category...