Thanks for the comments everyone.
In answer to chony's question, a better way to describe it might be "blending" of both of the sounds of the Sonic Cell and Tyros. The Sonic Cell has it's own sounds and also 16 midi tracks for sequences. By hooking my Tyros up to the Sonic Cell by way of midi cables the Sonic Cell becomes the controller module and my Tyros is the master keyboard with the sounds from each being played when I play the keys or when using other sources like playing a Style, etc. So let's say I play a String sound from my Tyros. If I play it with my right hand and the voice is on R1 of the Tyros that translates on the Sonic Cell as channel one or Part 1. Since there are 16 channels or Parts on the Sonic Cell and the Tyros has a 16 track midi sequencer and is fully MIDI compatible everything is sent from the Tyros to the Sonic Cell by way of MIDI with up to 16 Parts possible. Another expample is when I play a Style on my Tyros the Style's up to "8" parts are played on the Sonic Cell as Parts 9-16 on the Sonic Cell. The Multipads are played on Parts 5-8 on the Sonic Cell and R1, R2, R3 and Left voices of the Tyros are played as Parts 1-4. Of course you can set the Tyros up to play on whatever channels you want but you get the idea. I have my Tyros set up to NOT transmit the R1 voice to the Sonic Cell so if I play a voice on R1 on my Tyros, whether Piano or whatever, only the Sample on the Sonic Cell is heard. If I play a voice from the Tyros on R2 both the Tyros voice and the Sonic Cell voice is heard simultaneously and thereby blending both of each each intstruments sounds together as one. So let's say I play the Sweet! Tenor Sax from my Tyros on R2, the GM Tenor Sax on the Sonic Cell would be heard also through the sound system. The nice thing about the Sonic Cell is that you can navigate from the GM bank to either the User, Preset, or in my case the SRX banks, since I have two SRX cards installed on my Sonic Cell, and also play different patches from those banks as well if I want.
I'm still discovering new things about this setup but what I've found so far is exciting and really adds another dimension to the sound possibilities.
By the way I wanted to mention that the "Sonic Cell Drums I" demo I posted was from the Sonic Cell exclusively. The Sonic Cell Drums II demo was a blending of both the Tyros Drum Kit and Sonic Cell's Drum Kit. Sorry for the error.
To Don,
I thought the Drums were much improved over just hearing the Tyros Drums in the Style too Don.
When I recorded the Blues Demo I did it on short notice and was improvising on the spot with the Guitar basically. The lead "guitars" - (I also layered a Feedback Guitar on R2) were loud in the Mix but don't guitarists always want to be the loudest in the mix anyway?
Or so they say.. lol. When I played it through my big Passive speakers and MSP5's together and turned the volume up it actually came through as you would kind of expect a loud distorted lead guitar to sound in a band setting. But your right, I noticed when I listen to it on my PC's 2.1 speakers the guitar does sound too loud in the mix.
To Robert,
The Blues 'Style', which is actually called Slow Blues is playing 8 different parts i.e. 2 Rhythm parts, a Bass part, 2 Chord parts, 1 Pad part, and 2 Phrase parts. Each Style on the Tyros can play "up" to 8 parts. So whatever voices are in the Style are the same type of voices you would hear on the Sonic Cell when you play the Style. For instance, the Bass part for the Blues Style is playing a GM Finger Bass. As a default you would have a GM Finger Bass playing on the Sonic Cell also. If I change the Bass part on the Tyros Style to a GM Synth Bass1 the patch on the Sonic Cell would change accordingly to a GM Synth Bass patch as well. But you can also change banks on the Sonic Cell to either Preset, User, and/or SRX banks if you want giving you many more options and choices than just the GM bank sounds.
So what I am trying to say is
the voices within the Style, and in the case of the Slow Blues Style i.e. 2 Rhythm (percussion) parts - "or 'voices' if you will", a Finger Bass, a 60's Electric Guitar, an Acoustic Piano, a Rotary Organ, a Mega Clean guitar, an a Vintage EP. Those same type of sounds would be heard on the Sonic Cell also, so what you're getting is a blending of both of the instruments i.e. Tyros and Sonic Cell's sounds together to give the overall sound a richer and in many cases a better overall sound in my opinion. At least that is the objective anyway although I am still experimenting on different approaches to obtain the best result.
One thing I wanted to mention is if a Style contains one or more Mega Voices those voices don't translate on the Sonic Cell so what I do is simply Mute the channels on the Sonic Cell that the Mega Voices are being played on so only the Mega Voice(s) on the Tyros are heard in the Mix. You still hear the Mega Voice(s) though. The Slow Blues Style with its Mega Clean guitar comes through just fine in the demo in my opinion. And it's great that the Sonic Cell provides a solution i.e. (simply mute the channel that the Mega Voice is on) and even though you don't hear a particular guitar patch from the Sonic Cell being played along with the Mega Voice you still are able to hear the Mega Voice(s) being played from the Tyros in the Mix.
And the Mega Voices themselves are so realistic that nothing is really missed by not being able to blend a patch from the Sonic Cell with the Mega Voice.
Thanks again for all your comments and questions.