Ahhh... just got in from what we call "Family Fun NIght". The music department and the parents ass. sponser a little "get together" at the school, and the proceeds help fund the prom!
Some of the activities are:
DDR for the dancers
GTR HERO for the gamers
"K" for the ....well, you know
(the ones that want to see me cringe)
bingo, silent auctions, 50/50 raffles, door prizes, FOOD ... and my favorite:
Musical performances!
Each of the 3 music teachers did a few solo numbers, then we did a couple of blues trio numbers ( I played frettless bass - YAY ), and we all backed a select group of seniors who sang live. Some of the numbers that the kids did were:
"For Good" from Wicked ( AWESOME song )
"Love Song" ( new pop thing ...cute hook )
"Killing Me Softly" ala Fugees
"Bubbly" - another cute pop thing
I'm writing this to piggyback on an earlier thread about songs (some of) you hate to play. With all the variety, and content that we offered, by FAR, the best recieved were "Margaritiville" and "Sweet Caroline".
Some things never change.
The parents went home thinking I am some sort of Diamond/Buffett hero.
I had the most fun playing "All Blues" on the bass. Chocolate / Vanilla / Strawberry ?