I am looking for the UTILITY DISK that is compatible with my SYSTEM version... (version 1.13). I am having the same EXACT troubles as BUD MANESS is (see "S-550 system disks" 12/2/99 POSTS)..
as i have tried downloading the 1.15 UTILITY disk it would boot up saying UTILITY VERSION ERROR.
I have the manual and it only says use the CHANGE SYS command.. with the cd-5 system disk i put in .. the system resets it self in a loop.
The manual does not tell you any other way how to upgrade! if anyone can help me find the correct version of the utility disk..i would greatly be appreciated!
I am also working on saveing ALL my patch disks to cd. i have over 150 of them and also downloading them off the net! I would like to also back up a working version of the UTILITY
disk also!
PLease help!
aka dogrox