#230288 - 03/31/08 11:44 PM
Re: How many keys? DISCUSSION thread...
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14376
Loc: NW Florida
Sad fact is, Gary and Ian... Until the poll, you were touting NO potential customers. As politics are showing, there's nothing more more pathetic than a zealot that cannot recognize when the figures don't agree with your world view.
A small, but significant percentage of this, the forum that you believe represents a small proportion of all arranger users, extrapolates into a MUCH larger figure... In fact, the very figure that every arranger manufacturer OTHER than Yamaha is making a profit from right now.
You know, if the majority of SZ members somehow came on board, and Ian and Gary weren't the only ones putting a good show on for their favorites, I might be swayed. But, after all, we are democratic, here in the West. If you can't come up with the numbers, you can't win (unless we in Florida decide to recount your vote!) no matter how many times you come up with absurd apologia...
The facts are... there IS a demand for the product. And Yamaha refuse to make the product for reasons that have NOTHING to do with demand, feasibility or profitability (every other manufacturer already knows this). No other reason than corporate divisional rivalry makes any sense in the light of the facts.
Unless, of course, you are blinded by zealotry. Me, I've got NO stakes in the discourse, other than disgust at the spinelessness of Yamaha to sate a proven market need for the sake of corporate divisional tactics. Yamaha zealots, on the other hand, seem hell bent to come up with ANY absurd answer, I guess to compensate for the fact that they can't think of anything more realistic than 'They don't do it, therefore it MUST be right'...
Sorry, guys, but other than the existence of our Lord, I need better arguments than that. Yamaha is not MY religion...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#230291 - 04/01/08 12:27 AM
Re: How many keys? DISCUSSION thread...
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14376
Loc: NW Florida
No offense, Spalding, but you are as much in the dark as anyone else.
Have YOU got any other figures for us to look at?
It might have been unscientific, but at least it wasn't conjecture. The question was asked, the responses came in. Do your own poll. Come up with contradictory figures. Or for God's sake, accept the truth... Like I said, nothing more pathetic that someone that refuses to acknowledge facts that don't agree with your world view.
This moronic faith in corporate decisions, despite overwhelming (like I said, PROVE US WRONG) evidence to the contrary, is a little disturbing... Is there anything in the recent behavior of large corporations that leads you to expect rationality and a respect for actual customer NEEDS? Anti-competitive behavior, and corporate greed and malfeasance seem more the rule than the exception these days.
[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 04-01-2008).]
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#230293 - 04/01/08 12:48 AM
Re: How many keys? DISCUSSION thread...
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14376
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by spalding: not all Diki. i know that this forums active user population does not represent the market. I believe you do too.... Actually, I DO believe, for better or worse, that we DO represent the market, at least the portion of the market that has any opinion at all (where do the 'rest of the market' post?). And, fortunately for me, and a LARGE percentage of the rest of SZ, so do Roland, Korg, Ketron, Wersi, Lionstracs, Bohm and Casio (did I miss anybody?). So, on behalf of all these other players in the market (scoff all you like, they ALL are making a profit form a segment of the market Yamaha CAN'T), I would like to thank Yamaha for not having the cojones to try to compete. At least it spares Ian from the embarrassment of me detailing exhaustively (like I have for Roland) all the flaws in THEIR OS as well..  Trust me, I would find them!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#230295 - 04/01/08 01:33 AM
Re: How many keys? DISCUSSION thread...
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14376
Loc: NW Florida
Spalding, the only thing that offends me is the 'faith' in corporate decisions. Moronic is only the politest term I could come up with THAT concept, in the face of the last few years of unremittingly bad decision making from the corporate sector. You can't POSSIBLY be trying to tell me that ALL corporate decisions are driven entirely by the market...
As far as I can see, corporate decisions are driven by what best profits the corporate officers, not the shareholders or the public (or the country that shelters them and makes their profits possible).
I see your argument, particularly as you have no better information about Yamaha's market research or intra-divisional agreements than any of the rest of us, as a blanket trust in the power of the market and the infallibility of the corporate structure. Which the failures of many large corporations (does the current sub-prime meltdown speak well for long-term corporate decision making?) completely refutes.
The truth is, especially in our age of deregulation and emasculation of anti-trust and anti-competitive statutes, the concept of a free market and transparent competition between market forces is a joke. Dominating a market (which, in truth, Yamaha only dominate a SEGMENT of the arranger market, so you can't truthfully even say that Yamaha IS the market leader, only in the one area that they chose to compete in) is often achieved by RESTRICTING competition, and by anti-competitive measures, rather than by simple market forces.
But, in fact, you have only to admit to yourself that the last time you said ANYTHING bad about ANY corporation's tactics, methods, decisions or direction is all the proof we need. Let's face it, if ANY corporation could be wrong, then Yamaha could be, too... All you have is faith.
But if no corporation could EVER be wrong... Then God help us all.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#230297 - 04/01/08 03:28 AM
Re: How many keys? DISCUSSION thread...
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Diki: Actually, I DO believe, for better or worse, that we DO represent the market, at least the portion of the market that has any opinion at all (where do the 'rest of the market' post?).
At least it spares Ian from the embarrassment of me detailing exhaustively (like I have for Roland) all the flaws in THEIR OS as well.. 
Trust me, I would find them! Well, I DON'T agree that SZ does represent the market...and I can tell that you don't seem to grasp the basic principals of good business....but that's okay,...I still respect your opinions even if they are wrong.  Yamaha has the easiest to use OS, and that is only part of their success...the rest is because of their brilliant marketing. AND...we must not forget the the excellent third party support...it is light years ahead of the competitors. Roland arranger sales have been dismal...according to salespeople it is because they aren't user friendly out of the box, and the OS is considered tough to navigate...critical flaws in my opinion...and exacerbated by Roland's inability and/or lack of interest in correcting them. Two of the prominent G-70 OS blunders; the ACC cutting off on Chord Type changes; the Style EQ values not getting recorded in the Sequencer and Recorder, still have not been addressed in spite of insistent complaints on Roland Arranger forum by you and others. IF Yamaha has any OS flaws, they aren't in any way interfering with the target user's enjoyment, something I can personally attest to from doing many clinics. Roland's only hope is to bring out a TOTL arranger that can successfully compete with Yamaha and Korg...and potential customers should also hope the glaring OS problems associated with the G70 are fixed so that they don't turn up in the next G-series. BTW...the rest of the market post on the manufacturer's user forums....these provide a much better and more accurate indication of how an instrument is received. Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.