Unfortunately, you live in South Africa, which is a really expensive phone call for me.
Here's the deal.
After saving each of the registrations, press the "J" button (Registration), then press the bottom of the #6 button (save). This will bring up the Registration Bank page which allows you to name the registraton. More than likely you have New Bank in the name box. If this is the case, press the "Delete" (bottom of #7 button) until the name space is clear. Now, using the numbered buttons at the bottom of the display, rename the registration bank to something that you can readily identify, genre of songs, etc, and press "OK" (top of the #8 button.) This saves the entire bank of 8 registrations.
If you want to put the named banks in folders, this can be done by pressing the bottom of the #7 button. This will provide a screen that says "New Folder." Using the above procedure, delete New Folder, then rename it to something you can readily identify with the songs/styles/registrations. At this point you can Cut the registration and paste it into the folder, the same way you do any file on your PC. It's that easy.
Hope this helps,
Travlin' Easy