Is anyone interested in hosting a site to put AUDIO clips of each arranger's ROM styles on?
I know very little about web-hosting, so I don't know how to do this for myself, but perhaps a more tech savvy person could put something together. Let me explain what this is for...
One of the main difficulties I find in converting styles from one arranger to another is I seldom have a clue as to what the original sounded like! Drum sounds, overall mix, how they all react and sound together, little of this is apparent when you receive a converted style. You are basically on your own, unless you are fortunate enough to have a friend with the actual source styles.
But you DO.... us!
But how do we get access to this? Well perhaps a site dedicated to short, audio only (so as not to infringe copyright) clips of the styles, in mp3 format.
That's a lot of data, you might say... Perhaps not TOO much, if we do it carefully.
First of all, this is NOT for a record company, so a lower bitrate mp3 would provide all the info we need. Probably 128kbps would be sufficient, maybe as low as 96kbps could work, but it would save us little. I'd prefer 128kbps, anyway. This would nearly halve the data of a 256kbps 'quality' recording, and all the primary info you are after would still be more than apparent..
Secondly, you don't need complete performances. A C major chord would still provide all the info (you rarely get completely different instruments or mixes on different chord types), and for mix and tone purposes, you don't even need the entire loop. Either two or four bars per Variation would be sufficient. Nor would you need ALL the Intros and Endings. Usually, the most complex ones have ALL the elements of the simpler ones in them.
So I imagine a format of (just the ROM styles, no tweaks)
Intro 4 (or whatever is the most complex one on your arranger)
Var 1 4 bars (or only two if it is a short loop)
Fill up
Var 2 4 bars (ditto)
Fill up
Var 3 ditto
Fill up
Var 4 ditto
Ending 4 (or whatever is the most complex one on your arranger)
Fill downs generally use the same sounds as fill ups, so probably no need for them. Korg users, with fewer fills could get them ALL in!
So this come to a total of 16 bars of variations, and the fills, ins and ends, probably 32 bars total. At a 128kbps encoding, this would be roughly 500k per style.
OK, you say, seems like a LOT of work, though (most arrangers have up to 300 styles)... Well, perhaps not, IF we divide it up. Quite a lot of us have got mp3 audio recording capabilities in our arrangers. Certainly all the Yamaha users do, and most of the Korg (I suggest we start with current arrangers, and add legacy ones as demand needs), So that leaves us poor Roland guys with the only need to hook up a recorder. Well, I just got an H2, so no problem on the G70 end of things...
I am suggesting that, if we decide to do this thing, we get a list of owners that are willing to put a few hours simple work in, and then divide up the ROM styles into categories. One person does the Swing category, another the Rock, etc., up to as many as we can get... So no-one has to do the WHOLE thing, if they don't want to!
Basically, you sit there with the C chord as part of the memory (if your arranger holds the chord as you change styles), hit the style, hit Intro 4 hit Play, and just step through the variations with Auto fill on, hit Ending 4 and stop recording. Maybe a minute's work. Save the file with the style name, and on to the next one. An hour's work might be 30 styles or more. With multiple people working on this, I don't see anyone having to dedicate all THAT much time to it...
We then upload the labeled files to the server, and voilå! No more EVER having to guess what that style you got was supposed to sound like! This would make conversion SO much easier, IMO.
So.... how about it, folks? Do any of you think you could benefit from such a project, and might be persuaded to participate..? I think there are certainly enough of us here that individually it shouldn't be too much of a burden, if we get enough on board...
Comments, suggestions, volunteers....