Dear all:

I have had my XP-60 for several years and I always wished that I could connect it to a realtime style performer with auto accompaniment for my live performances.

In fact, I wanted to have a software that when the PC is connected to XP-60 via MIDI, it gives the XP-60 the capability of E-86, for example.

In other words, I wanted to get the capability that I could press a key to start a prerecorded style and accompaniment, Fill-in, Have some variation, etc. and when I change chords on the XP-60, the accompaniment also follows that chord progression.

In other words, I need a software program is dedicated to real-time “live” performance with a MIDI keyboard connected to PC, like it is done by the auto accompaniment E-series keyboards.

Any help/software name/link to website in this regards is GREATLY appreciated.
