Russ, down in my heart, I know that that is what I should be getting for the C1, but between the weight (65lbs) and the price (@1700), I just can't justify it for 1 night a week gigging. We're being pressured to do at least 2 nights (same club) but I don't physically feel up to it. It's probably not fair to the other guys who probably would do it. Oh well, old age is old age. Although it's a great place, I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving it at the club full time. Besides, we occassionally play at one of the other clubs. Let me know how it sounds with the C1 after you get it fine-tuned. BTW, I'm very jealous. I know it's going to sound great. I may still get the Roland SA1000 after I hear it.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]