It'll make selecting the MP3 you are using next a hair easier...

But will it change what we play, or HOW we play?
Firstly, I see it as no substitute for a keyboard... OUCH! Anybody LIKE playing a hard, non moving surface?
Secondly, it is a display technology only. This won't make better sounds, better styles, or do anything but make it easier for the customer to select an MP3 to play instead of listening to YOU...!
For sound designers, studio producers, etc., this might make controlling software a BIT easier, but most of them have their chops based around hardware, and most display technology is based around emulating knobs and sliders, which are just more useful, more TACTILE in hardware, IMO.
For a new generation, this might be cool, but this technology has to come down in price dramatically for it to be incorporated into our arrangers.
In the meantime, we DO have touch screen technology on many arrangers already, and it is a powerful tool, but once again, only as good as the interface writers make it... Many are still resistant to it, what about this would change their minds? The size? Sure wouldn't want to lug anything that big around, and that's what makes this seem anything but the gimmick it actually is...
With the economy going the way it is, I imagine the industry would like to SIMPLIFY new keyboards, not make them much more expensive, much heavier, and much larger...