Chas, the 145 is a hands down winner. It's relatively light, compared to a 145 Leslie (65 vs 120 lbs)and the three mikes with direct line out is really nice when you need more volume. The thing is build like a tank. The covering is practically indestructable.
The only complaint is, the unit doesn't sound like a tube unit, like the 145, 147, 122. That's a special complaint I have about all transistor guitar and organ amplification. Transistors don't bother me as much in bass and Pa amplification. And, when a friend of mine played my C-1 and 145, I didn't mind the transistor sound as much as when I was playing it.
All in all, a nearly perfect unit to use with my C-1, Electro, Hammond Xb, etc. It even sounds GREAT with guitar...that old Lonnie Mack, Stevie Ray Leslie sound.
I won't use it all the time, because of weight, but it'll be great on mid-size and jazz jobs. Much better than the internal leslie effects, and plenty of power for clubs.