I've just made a couple of styles for some songs using a sequencer and electronic drums, but I'm thinking that for certain songs a fully sequenced arrangement would do the job better than a custom style. The only problem is that my performances have to be seamless - ie: no breaks or pauses between songs for 90 minutes straight.
Is there an arranger that would allow me to switch to a MIDI file from a style and then after the song back again to a style, without a pause or jump?
Eg: I'm playing a song using a style, then want to go to a song using a MIDI file, then in the middle of the file I decide I'd rather go back to a style, or perhaps go to a different MIDI song. And it all happens seamlessly. (Kind of like selecting the song the same way I'd select a style, and it comes in on the next measure.)
I know the Yamaha T2 can't do it, because it forces a small break as it loads the settings of the MIDI file into memory. Is there another keyboard that can? Perhaps the Korg?
#233731 - 05/06/0805:40 AMRe: Is there an arranger that lets you play styles and MIDI files seamlessly?
Senior Member
Registered: 11/19/02
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Loc: Tampa, FL
when I owned the T2, it certainly allowed you to play a style along with a midi. I don't know about the delay issue, but you could trade off back and forth between the style and the midi file in perfect tempo. I haven't tried it on the Pa2xpro as yet, but I'll let you know.
Originally posted by kbrkr: when I owned the T2, it certainly allowed you to play a style along with a midi. I don't know about the delay issue, but you could trade off back and forth between the style and the midi file in perfect tempo. I haven't tried it on the Pa2xpro as yet, but I'll let you know.
I'm not trying to play a style along with MIDI; I want to change back and forth. With the Tyros, I'd have to turn off the style and turn on the MIDI file back and forth, besides the fact that there is a wait time for loading. I've tried it and unfortunately it's just not smooth...
i used 2 arrangers (korg and yamaha) while one played a midi file, i was set up with a style on the other and ready to go into the next song. my longest time i did this was 4 hours. my total investment was less than 2000.00 for both keyboards and not that big of a problem setting up or tearing down. OR you could go with a laptop for midi file play back with an arranger. good luck dave
Originally posted by wrinkles303: i used 2 arrangers (korg and yamaha) while one played a midi file, i was set up with a style on the other and ready to go into the next song. my longest time i did this was 4 hours. my total investment was less than 2000.00 for both keyboards and not that big of a problem setting up or tearing down. OR you could go with a laptop for midi file play back with an arranger. good luck dave
That won't be seamless. I need it to be accurate - style to midi file without a hitch. I don't want to turn on a midi file with one finger, turn off the style with the other, and cue up the sounds and tempos at the same time. Besides the fact that the sounds of the keyboards are too different to be seamless.
I'm sure this can be done on the Korg which has dual midi players. Anyone know?
#233735 - 05/06/0810:15 AMRe: Is there an arranger that lets you play styles and MIDI files seamlessly?
Ketron_AJ Moderator
Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE
This can be done on the KETRON MIDIJAY - with the CROSSFADE feature. Depending on the settings of the CROSSFADE, you can actually ensure that although crossfading from one to the other (with the tempo LOCK on ofcourse), the total volume output at a givin time is fixed. This way, the audience remains on the dance-floor and can't even tell you've switched from one to the other. You can also LOCK the transpose so whatever you do to one affects the other ... etc.
Hi Chony How seamless do you mean by seamless...does the sound/music have to be continuous with absolutely no break or can a 1 to 2 second break be permitted? Rog
#233737 - 05/06/0802:50 PMRe: Is there an arranger that lets you play styles and MIDI files seamlessly?
Jerry T
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Registered: 09/23/05
Posts: 1002
Loc: Phila. 'burbs, Pa. USA
Korg PA 800. You can have both media, midi and style registrations on the same playlist. I also use the Midjay and set up the registration files and midi files choose either, highlight the tune, start, or footpedal - a matter of seconds. Ciao, Jerry
i,too, am not understanding "seamless".maybe you should consider audio only, like the disco days of running one song into another with the same beat continue. the korg pa will go from one song to another like the old disco dj slider did. as to going from midi song to style "seamlessly", you will have to do some slider/buttons movement to get what i think you want. good luck