Hello Iceeboy
From what i know, Wersi Austria and the Wersi dealers here in the Netherlands have great service....
But since Wersi is a small company a few bad apples in your employment ranks, could spoila lot for them...
What worries me most is wersi's financiall state... It hasn't been that good in the past and could very well be a reason for their sometimes lacking service too
Originally posted by to the genesys:
Have you had a look at the Lionstrack mediastation?
Both the Lionstracks and the Wersi's don't have any knobs... Next to that the Lionstracs is not half way near a finished system...Their new arranger named Qranger is only in early development according to the Linux developer site. And their current arranger lacks any good styles. Now if it would be possible to run live-styler under wine on the MS...
I would go for a softsynth setup, with 76 or 88 key Masterkeyboard, a Novation SL zero, live styler and a 19" touchscreen way before choosing lionstracs...
Maybe even creating something like the Meko myselves...can't be that hard
when i can find someone thats willing to help me with the casing...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRrhHgmyjLE&NR=1 [This message has been edited by Bachus (edited 05-12-2008).]
[This message has been edited by Bachus (edited 05-12-2008).]