Hi Tommy,
Thanks for posting the pic. Glad Yamaha decided to eliminate T2's painfully sharp as a lethal weapon jagged angles on T3. Other than that, T3 doesn't cosmetically look much different than T2.
The one new physical T3 feature I noticed and appreciate right off are its "physical sliders" which will make for much more convenient live real time performance control of style/panel part volume balances, etc. I'm most anxious to learn what the 'new' Concert Piano sounds like.
It's certainly fun on this forum to speculate and get excited about new keyboard offerings, but in the meantime, I remain quite content with Tyros2 as it continues to deliver the goods for me for me professionally as a keyboard-vocal entertainer.
One important requirement (at least for me me because I've spend months customizing my Tyros2 repetoire setup) is that Tyros3 support direct compatibility of Tyros2 'styles (.sty)', 'registrations'(.reg), and custom voices (TVN).