Maybe a good idea to try it Diki. I dunno, I suppose maybe it's also that there is more
than just the Yamaha drums I find to be unappealing to me when I listen to the overall style package vs the styles in my already ancient PA80. The bass sounds are weak on the Tyros as well, although in the patch creator app I was able to make up a more pleasing( for my ears ) electric bass guitar sound.
Both of the guitarists I play with also notice it, so I guess it isn't just me. In the studio setting, I find it easy enough using compression and other effects and mastering software to tame some of the more raw drum sounds in my software apps if need be, to get more toward that "CD" polished sound that we sometimes talk about here, especially when we talk Yamaha styles, but not as easy ( or maybe more accurately realsitic sounding ) to try to go in the other direction and make the compressed Tyros drums sound more life like.
I can understand what you say Ian regarding the targets - Motif ( "pro" ) vs Tyros ( home player ), and the Motif ES has the best drum sets available on any of my hardware boards, but I find at least some of the Tyros 2 panel voices to be sharper and more life like vs their counterparts on the ES, at least on some of the "acoustic" instruments, and I don't make much sense of that. Maybe the ES was supposed to be geared more toward modern synth and hip hop music, ( I don't claim to actually know these things.. just guessing ) but I also see from a sampling of the comments at Motifator that some of the XS owners also lament that they think the T2 has better panel voices in some areas. The ES bass, organ, and electric piano sounds are quite pleasing to me though, and while the ES does have some nice soundscapes, I don't find overall that many of the ES synth patches to be all that strong or "fat" either vs even those on the PA80. I also realize I'm a person who sometimes gets stuck in an analog state of mind while living in a digital type of world, but then again I have some wav and digital based soft synths that are enormous in sound quality. Also, having the AN150 board in my ES does helps quite nicely to make my ( virtual ) analog alter ego pretty happy, which is precisely why, when I found the XS wasn't able to use it, I immediately stopped considering an upgrade from the ES.
The biggest plus for me with the T2 has always been being able to emulate the acoustic instruments, especially a guitar sound using the Tyros so that it's close enough in a demo to get the idea across, and close enough in live play that folks try to figure out how a keyboard can make such a realistic guitar patch. Sometimes the effect is even better when I mix an articulation voice with a megavoice, because the megas do different things at different velocities, and whist it isn't always 100% accurate, it does come out sounding pretty close. Although I can program Real strat or C Heins guitars to come out sounding even more accurate, the key word is program. I don't find either to be more playable than the T2 in real time. I don't think though, that I wanna spend big dollars for a few more articulation voices. hence my initial reply, there has to be a lot more before I consider an upgrade. Instead I'll just keep my favorite "home keyboard" and let it do what it does. It's an ok live play board too btw, but some of that is also because I turn some and sometimes all of the style parts off at various times when I play.
[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 05-31-2008).]