Nice guy, great service, great deal on a s700, delivery in two days. answered all my email questions, no dickering around gave me a great price right off, no games. I like that most of all.
I bought the 700 because I already have a digitech live 4 harmony and a TC Helicon voice tone create pedal, and preordered the tc helicon harmony m.
So I don't need the vocal channel on the 900. I don't care about the SA voices(or whatever they're called) because I'm not a keyboard player and will use the board mostly for backing tracks both midi and styles.
But still have the organ drawbars and the mega and sweet live and cool voices.
Also for less than $100 on ebay I bought a tascam 8 track digital recorder with a 40 gig hard drive. Only records two at a time but it has 8 actual channel strips with inserts and 8 faders and 16 tone controls. You don't have to bounce until you've filled all 8 tracks, then usb wav to the computer if you want.
I've never had so much fun as playing with the recorder, I've done it (multi tracked)on the computer but it is so much easier with real controls.
Anyhow I know its no sophisticated setup but I think I'll have fun and I'm out of the bigger, better, newest, latest rat race.
This was a better deal than some of the used psr 3000's I've seen on ebay. I hope I can say that without getting anyone in trouble.
I haven't had an arranger for quite awhile and I haven't done anything more than turn this on so I gotta go explore.
So again thanks Frank [This message has been edited by mikeathome1 (edited 06-20-2008).]