Not to be much of a smartass (seems I am too much of that already
), but for all the Roland bashing going on here, nobody tends to talk about the style and sequence editing capabilities built right into the keyboard, and easy to operate, to boot. Something as utterly basic as this is the easiest thing in the world to fix on a Roland.
No external programs, no transferring files around, none of that. Every style, every SMF, you can easily open up the drumkit, and assign a different sound (anything in the kit you want) to any note that is wrong. It is the work of seconds to fix this minor gaff. It is the work of minutes to convert something utterly f*cked up beyond all recognition into something eminently playable.
Definitely one of the Roland's strengths is the ease with which you can do so many tasks (editing styles, editing SMF's, editing in detail anything you want, converting MIDI into styles, editing conversion styles from one manufacturer into another) that most other keyboards need software to achieve...
Food for thought....