Thanks for all your advice here. Between you folks and the various salespeople, I have a better handle on what to look for in headphones now.
I've been visiting various stores all week trying them out...hard to find a decent selection in just one place. Tried the Sennheiser's, Sony's, Bose, and couldn't find Diki's Grado (though I saw it on the Net).
It's been quite revealing. I never really sat and listened to music through headphones. The better ones really enhance the listening experience, so I think I'm going to go with expensive phones for when I just want to sit and “listen“ to music.
I'm very interested in these Ultrasone's that Fran mentioned and Donny pointed me to. They have them at the music stores on demo.
Anyone who has experience with the Ultrasone headphones, would you please let me know which model you've worked with? The salesperson thinks the Pro DJ would be best
for my needs. BTW, I'm NOT using them for recording so I don't need a "flat" response for that. Lucky