Perhaps another thing you could try, would be to run fdisk and delete all partitions on the hdd (its probably only got the one), and then re-create a new partition and format.
From what you have said, the issue is now getting your PC to see the hdd and if this is indeed the case and the partition table has been corrupted, you will need some other tools apart from a PC.
BTW what size is the hdd...2.5" or 3.5"?
For this purpose I will assume its a 2.5"..
Do you know someone with an old laptop that you can remove the hdd from and instal yours?
If so, you can then run a windows 98 boot disk (fdisk is not part of the tools that get loaded with XP and above), and then run the fdisk utility on your disk.
If fdisk doesn't see the disk then it is probably going on a one-way trip to the bin.
If you can in fact get your PC to see the hdd, then you can run fdisk from the PC on it, and then do a full format.
I say fdisk, as it is free. Most 3rd party disk partitiong tools will cost you, and it might not even be a partition problem.
It can still be recovered by far more complex tools than this procedure, but the cost would outway the purchase of a new hdd.