Got the Roland Mobile Cube from Sweetwater yesterday ($ shipping). That's the only place I could find that had it in stock.
Used it last night as a powered monitor, and today to amplify a nylon string guitar and Ipod(for breaks). Just 5 watts, but that was enough to do a small luncheon (25 people). Plugged a mic into it for vocals and as a Pa at the meeting. Mounts easily on a mic stand.
We're talking micro applications here, but useful as a powered monitor, guitar amp, small (very small)PA and for playback from Ipods, C/D...whatever. Effects (chorus, reverb and delay) are pretty cool on such a small unit. Battery life (6 AA's) is supposed to be 15 hours. Looks like an old-time portable radio. Has a center canceling feature to eliminate lead or vocal lines (I think), but haven't had a chance to check that out, and don't think I'd use that feature. Will use it next week to present a film score rough dumped onto an Ipod.
Check it out...