Originally posted by Diki:
How about letting the forum MODERATOR decide these things for himself? Or start your own forum, and police it as tight as you want

Its nothing to do with Nigel, you should be able to control your urges Diki.
What is fairly obvious is that SZ has always been, as it's name suggests, a 'general' forum, where discussion is about arrangers in GENERAL... So, rather than hijacking a thread, cross-pollination is actually the whole point of this place!
What is fairly obvious is that SZ is made up of quite a few more fora than just the general arranger forum, have a look one day, when you can see past your own glow.
What IS curious though, is the apparent indignation of those that want a 'tight' policy on a 'general' forum, but let's face it, if the subject is of such narrow interest, there ARE already the very fora where you might expect a nice 'tight' membership and lack of hijacking, yet of course, for the same egotism that prompts we 'forumistas' to post our general speculation and comments, prompts these same wounded souls to post here in the first place!

I come here for information on specific General ARRANGER topics. Although I do enjoy reading other comments, that are not directly arranger related, provided they are in their own space.
I expect most people have enough respect for others to keep comments to the original topic. Not be so desperate to get any opinion they may have formulated over breakfast that morning posted at all costs.
Seems like PLENTY of ego to go around!
It's simple, boys and girls... If you shudder at the possibility that sadly, your cherished topic might get OT, or heaven forbid!

actually hijacked (and consider that beam in your own eye before you start bitching about others' motes!), there ARE fora here at SZ, and even more focused and better populated fora for each specific manufacturer where you have a MUCH better chance of staying On Topic (although it happens even on the manufacturer specific fora)...
Not saying anything of the kind...Just saying if there is a thread topic stick to it, you want to digress, start a new thread.
Ahhh, but of course, where's the fun in airing YOUR opinions (that you want On Topic, at all cost) where only those that feel like you can hear it?

MUCH more fun to rag on the OTHER egotists, isn't it?

Not saying anything of the kind, please do not verbalise.
When I need something specifically Roland related, rather than a general discussion, I go to Roland-Arranger.com. I don't come here, and EXPECT it to be like Roland-Arranger, and bitch when it isn't! A forum's tone reflects the majority of it's members. Obviously, most of us here feel free to discuss things in a free-wheeling fashion, and to be honest, although many threads end up somewhere other than where they started, usually there's a reason they devolve that has SOMETHING to do with the original post. This has, as long as I've been coming here, SZ's tone.
--------------------------------------------Another example of totally irrelevant comments..I never said you cannot talk about anything, and everything, I suggested that posters could put more effort into just making comments directly related to the original thread.
But hey! Feel free to call everybody else's posts 'pontificating', because, heaven forbid! You wouldn't DREAM of considering your OWN posts that way, now would you?

Hijacking a thread is a bad thing? How about hijacking a whole forum? If the moderator is happy with the way things are, who are you to police it?

I never said everybody's posts, just certain members, if the cap fits, And as for hijacking a whole forum? That is just plain silly.
Nigel hasn't got time to run a creche. And it is not really endemic to all members of SZ, as I said, a certain few. And it was interesting to note which two members were amongst the first to post a defence here.
[Edits were for trying to get the lines between comments correct, to try and make it easier to read.]
[This message has been edited by miden (edited 08-03-2008).]