Here is download link :
LIONSTRACS MP3 DOWNLOAD Diki sorry, but in this moment I can give you only mp3 ( 192 kbps) file because I'm on my JOB. I know that many radio station use that format for ordinary reproduction.
In afternoon or better tomorrow I will give you better resolution of this file.
First about file:
I did not do nothing spcial. I played only MS without any special works. I use ARDUAR program for record all what I use inside.
So first you can listen one GIGA SOUND � ACUSTIC GUITAR. It have all advantages of real guitar and it is really easy to play it on MS.
Than I use one VST sound of SUPERWAVE. I can say that this is really good trade mark and it is worth to buy it. This is sinteze that is much better than other I saw on market. I use changing of many sounds in use of COMBI. You can listen to bigger or smaler different sounds I change parrameters of this VST with aplication of MEDIASTATION (program changes and also other system exclusive � volume, reverb, delay etc. )
Than sound that I'm using on gigs many time it is BASS GUITAR + CHORD of REAL GUITAR. Acordion is giga file.
On end I played one styles � REGEE with intro, 3 variatons and fills and one ending only to show you that all is working but I did not do something more on style. Style is reconverted from web. I found it and I like it. For translation and all that I did not use more than 5 minutes. Ms is using GM standard and all is ready just in time. Once I did not tweek it.Only thing is that this is preapared for my PA system and maybe some sounds are different soundig on your system. I did not put inside some audio or VSTs.
With AUDIO styles is MS much better. But as one time said that I will never show to SZ member my work anymore but because of you Diki I�m doing that. As Fran said we like DIKI.
I hope you will find something from it. I will continue to show you that this is worth project and good arranger.
LIONSTRACS MS is One box with all tools needed for arranging and using .