Ensnareyou, it's a legitimate question...
When a product IS as 'open' as an MS, the sound sources used vary drastically from user to user, and can often run you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars ABOVE the instrument's already very high price to stock up on.
Add to that it's audio loop playing capabilities, and it gets hard to tell what's the MS, and what's the add-ons.
And, finally, to explain... I have never said the MS COULDN'T be made to sound great. It is just that so few manage it. The technical and artistic skills to pull off a great demo on one of these things seem FAR beyond the average player, as witnessed by the fact you have to go to an obscure Israeli musician to produce the FIRST decent demo I've yet heard, and to be honest, other than the guitar part (whatever that is) STILL doesn't really stand head and shoulders above any other TOTL arranger's sound, IMO.
How many of these things has been sold, by now..? And this is the only thing you can find? No offense, guys, but if this is how the MS sounds OOTB, you'd have thought that there would be a flood of stuff out there as good, if not better. Maybe even some western music (and I don't mean country!)
This is the thing that puzzles me. As strongly as it's advocates here evangelize it, and claim it's utter superiority over all others, this doesn't translate to a flood of good user demos. Or factory ones. What's the hold-up?