Originally posted by Spalding 4:
so it wasnt arranger play ......They were not MS sounds
[This message has been edited by Spalding 4 (edited 09-12-2008).]
yes and??
Is the MS fault if someone choose to use the kontakt sounds instead of the 34Gb FREE giga library installed?
If they also choose to play the sequence/styles with the Qranger, or Ardur or Rosengaden or Muse...
Important for me that this all sounds come OUT from the Ms audio outputs and not from some external device.
Free included MS sounds or commercial sounds I don't care at all, the MS will play it and the sounds are processed from the MS!
I can say the same: the Big pipe wave sound loaded in the T2/PA ( not available from factory)they were NOT from the T2/PA!
So..where is the diference?? You can maybe download all of this embedded sounds somewhere for Free?? For sure not from one commercial web site...
Or maybe...if you will load on your embeded keyboards this all new sounds it mean that the onboard ROM sounds are so bad??
IF not, then i suggest to remove the all sampler engine from this keyboard because the sounds inclueded are enough and Top class forever.
Ask to the all others brands to remove the sampler..you don't need at all..

[This message has been edited by LIONSTRACS (edited 09-12-2008).]