You cannot import Akai directly. You would have to convert the loops to .wav format yourself, and if multiple, sliced loops (for tempo changes) you would have to do all the sample layout mapping yourself (or the MIDI file that plays them back would not work)
You don't get synchronized audio loop playback per se as part of the OS, but, with multiple drum tracks, you can import the sliced (or un-sliced - you just get stuck on the one tempo with these) .wav samples to a TVN, and import it's MIDI file (the file that plays back the slices with the same timing as the original loop) to a drum track (so it doesn't get transposed), and then yes, you would have a synchonized loop with the style. If Multipads can address TVN's, then yes, you could have synched loops on the multipads.
But these things can ONLY be for drums or percussion, non pitched sounds, because there is no provision in the T2/3 to pitch transpose audio loops without chipmunk-ing them badly.
If I were you, I'd be pitching a fit about no Akai import, as Korg have it (for PAX as well as WS's, Roland have it (for WS's), Kurzweil has it, most computer samplers have it, the list goes on. Only Yamaha think that they can ignore this industry standard, and impose their own, strictly proprietary closed system on their users. The end result is a bad lack of content for a sampler that COULD be much more useful, were there much content for it...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!