Bullfeathers...! Did you LOOK at what those players were doping to get that SA2 inflections?
Look, there's a REASON they got two more buttons than they had before...
The thing I probably hold against arrangers as vehicles for the BEST performance you can give is that, no matter HOW MUCH a line begs for an inflection, a scoop. a doit, a two handed technique, you CAN'T DO IT unless you are lucky enough that it happens at a time your left hand CAN be spared from playing the chord...
I see this as a greater challenge to that system than you ever had before. Why would you ever have that expressive power, and NOT want to use it at your complete beck and call..? The more expressive your playing can get, the better. But if it takes two hands, it takes two, baby, yeah! To make a dream come true! (OMG! Now I'm quoting Cher! Does this mean I should buy a Yamaha?!
Say after me... I got SA2. I got SA2. I got SA2.