Hi. I was just letting you guys know that there seems to be a small bug in the XP-30's Arpeggiator. If you select certain combinations in both the Arpeggiator and keyboard, the XP-30 will freeze, then crash. Once you turn it off, then back on, it will display a massage saying "User Memory Damaged" and all of the user Patches and Performances will be erased, Replacing them with inaudible names like, "USER:001 _p_@__" I did a Factory Reset and everything went back to normal. (With the exception of all of my USER DATA being erased)
Here's what I did: (NOTE: If you try this yourself, MAKE SURE you have backed up ALL of your current USER DATA either by sysex, or Smart Media cards. Also, I only tried this with an XP-30 so I don't know if this happens with any other JV or XP synth/module)
First, I selected a patch.(Any patch should do) I then activated the ARPEGGIO mode. Then I went to the Arpeggio's parameters (SYSTEM/ARPEGGIO) and under Style I selected GLISSANDO. Under Octave Range,I selected -3. Then I pressed the -OCT button 3 times. (Making the keyboard 3 octaves lower.) then pressed and held the first key of the keyboard to listen.... That's were it froze, and then crashed.
Try it yourself. See if it does the same thing.I'm pretty sure it does this with all XP-30s.(At least I hope so...)