In my interest in possibly upgrading to Tyros3 (from T2) I discovered reading the Tyros3 Owner's manual Yamaha's continued missing feature improvement: pathetically low (3.2MB) internal flash ROM memory.
Yamaha's Music Finder is a potentially powerful feature allowing us to store and quickly call up one's entire song repetoire (many 100's of songs). MusicFinder only allows you to store a style and tempo for a given song, but on top of that, the style MUST be located in the keyboard's PRESET or USER areas only. Unfortunately USER area TOTAL memory is only 3.2 MB which means room for only 20-30 user styles. I've complained about this & made repeated requests (since Tyros1) for future models to include a LOT MORE internal flash memory but Yamaha doesn't seem to understand the importance of providing more than 3.2MB of internal flash memory, or allowing the Music Finder to link to styles in the HD or USB stick, or adding a MusicFinder feature to link its records to Registration Bank File, which would call up all settings stored in Reg such as: transpose settings, voices selection, split point, etc.
I participated in a focus group and even had a one on one recorded video consulting session with Yamaha Corp expressing these concerns yet Yamaha Japan has continued to ignore these requrests. Certainly a dissapointment (for me).
