Hi, all that is interested.
I bought a roland XP-30 for about 1 week ago. I'm normally setting up all my synths trhu atari's Cubase, and that was also my plan with this brand new baby. Now here is my problem: selecting my XP thru cubase (setting local off and midi thru on) causing a very weird problem. Putting the XP in mutitimbral mode (Shift + Patch, so that I can use 16 midi channels for all the sounds) giving me on the keyboard, a split, on every channel, and 2 octaves I can still hear, but the other not. Also my cubase do not receive any info from midi from the other octaves.
Resetting the XP does not help atall, but playing in normal patch/performance goes fine. Also putting the synth in GM mode, is no problem atall.
Is this a bug in my synth or is it a major mailfunction in ALL the xp-30 synths, or is it ME that is doing something wrong here.
PLEASE help,