The same type of "warning" is listed in LCD/LDP/PLASMA television set manuals. It is something that "can" occur on TFT LCD displays but it will NOT affect the overall functionality of the display itself. Unless, of course, there is an "over abundance" of pixelated errors on the display. If that were indeed the case, then a person should consider returning the device for a replacement within the 30 day "no questions asked" return policy given on the device e.g. the Tyros3 etc., that exhibit such an errant pixilated LCD behavior.
There will probably not be a single Tyros3 TFT LCD display that would exhibit such an errant pixilated behavior though, and therefore, would NOT require replacing.
In other words, there is no need for concern because it is a commonality in these types of displays but it won't affect the overall operation of it. So relax.
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 10-07-2008).]