While looking at the XP-60 manual's explanation of fading a song out, I discovered that if I changed the sound palette faders while in record-mix mode, I could record mixer changes. And I could save these to disk, and edit them by looking at CC 7(Volume) in microscope edit.

This is good news.

However, I've run into two major problems.

1) It seems that if I restart the synth, I can no longer see my changes in micro, though I can clearly hear them. This is bad, as I can't edit changes I don't like.

2) Changes made in the beginning of a song (measure 01-01-000) don't take effect. If I move the change to 01-01-001, it works, but that's obviously not good enough. There seems to be no way I can mix a song right from the beginning and save it. I've even tried inserting a countoff measure at the beginning and applying my changes there, but no go.

Am I doing something wrong, or have I run into a limitation of the synth?