It's driving me crazy!
I have quite a lot of imported styles, conversions from Korg's, Yamaha's, etc., but an awful lot of them have fills that are two bars long...
Roland have always kept it down to one bar, so you kick the pedal or hit the fill button, it immediately goes into the fill, and comes straight into the next variation. But these two bar fills are driving me insane

I just can't seem to get used to hitting them at least a bar before I actually need them...
So, my question is... is there something in the Korg or Yamaha OS that takes these two bar fills, and turns them into a one bar fill if you ask for the fill in bar 8 of an 8 bar phrase, or do you ALWAYS have to kick them in earlier?
And, if so, are ALL the fills two bars long, or are some just one? How can you tell?
My solution, BTW, is that I have to go into ALL the fills, and erase out the first bar. It makes converting the style more of a chore than it should be!