1. It's been a while since I transitioned from the S900 to the PA800, but I miss NOTHING about the 900
2. There are Yammy conversions, but not as good sounding on the Korg. I have found not wanting to go back to those styles anyway.
3. Don't use software.
4. Sound and styles are identical.
5. I was paranoid to leave the registration feature, but the Songbook is a tool that is SECOND TO NONE - an absolute dream! Could never go back to Yamaha's way.
6. What happened to the question
7. Replacement will be in the form of an OS upgrade, any day now we hear.
8. Can be downloaded from the Korg web site
I think your style is well suited for Korg. Some will bad mouth it for lack of styles, but believe me, there is everything there to do whatever you want. It is truly an amazing board.
I have both the PA2X and 800 and I really have fallen in love with the 76 keys and pop up screen. I didn't particularly like the spongy 800 keys at first either, but I now love the keybed (maybe it took a while to break in).
If I had to sell one for a reason, I would unload the 2X. The 800 is a marvel with the weight, speakers and ergonomic layout - just perfect
OK, others come forward