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#247577 - 11/07/08 07:20 AM Yeah, but what else do you do......
cgiles Offline
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Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
When you're not making music or yak, yak, yaking on SynthZone, what else occupies gobs of your time (glutonous eating, excessive drinking, and extra-marital affairs excluded). In other words, what are some of your major hobbies, passions, involvements (ie. charity work, etc.), etc. that are not directly related to music. Some examples might be GA (flying), reading the Classics, hunting, bird-watching, restorations of some type (autos, motorcycles, old model trains, etc.), guns, religion (nowhere did I use the word 'bitter' ), sailing, international travel, camping, etc.

If you'd like to share, I think it helps to give a better sense of the person behind the computer screen. For instance, most of us know that Diki is a fine musician and has a wonderful (to some ) way with words, but did you also know that (although it's a profession and not a hobby) he has some SERIOUS recording chops. Yeah, it's music related, but I can guarantee you that only a tiny percentage of musicians know diddly squat about the fine points of recording.

So while we're waiting for Ketron to figure out some things on the Audya, and MediaStation to track down it's parts order, and Yamaha to announce the T4 and Korg the PA3x, and Roland to reinstate the Chord Sequencer , I thought sharing some semi-personal stuff might be interesting.

or not.

Ok, anybody?
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]

#247578 - 11/07/08 07:52 AM Re: Yeah, but what else do you do......
Dreamer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 02/23/01
Posts: 3849
Loc: Rome - Italy
Right now I don't do much more due to my health conditions, but in the past I loved:

1- to travel
2- to take pictures and make films while traveling
3- to edit the films and organize the pictures once I was back home
4- I don't know how much this is related to the topic, but I also liked to train going to a gym and riding my bike almost twice a week for 70-80 km each time

I hope to do all those things again in the future.
Korg Kronos 61 and PA3X-Pro76, Roland G-70, BK7-m and Integra 7, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, vintage Gibson SG standard.

#247579 - 11/07/08 08:09 AM Re: Yeah, but what else do you do......
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
I have always had an interest in photography, and used to shoot rolls of film of various subjects - seascapes, landscapes, flowers, etc. ... between film and developing it would get quite expensive ... now with digital photography I can shoot all I want and then just delete what I don't like ... recently after a hurricane had passed of our coast, i went down to the shore and took about 150 shots of waves !!! ...
only problem is the space taken up on the PC with the pics ... for the most part I have them categorized in folders, but I need to get them onto CDs ...
A project I have in mind for the winter months is to record some music to put behind our Italy pics to create a slide show ...
The problem I have with digital photography is that you can do so much to a 'photo' after it is taken, that it barely resembles the original ... now, when I look at a beautiful photo, I can't help but wonder how it might have been 'doctored up' ....

I have also liked to 'sketch' things, and since retirement my wife has got me going to art class with her ... I LOVE it - about as much as music !!! In just over 1 year I have completed 3 oil paintings, 2 from photos I took in Italy, and 1 from a photo I 'posed' myself - a large wine glass, 2 wine bottles and grapes ... I have to say the paintings came out pretty good ...

Of course spending time with 4 grandchildren is one of the greatest joys of life ...

t. cool

#247580 - 11/07/08 09:03 AM Re: Yeah, but what else do you do......
DonM Offline
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Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
I play golf and fish, mostly for bass. I live on the golf course, and the lake is 1/2 mile away. I build golf clubs also.
I also work with the Sheriff's Department a few days a month, patrolling the Parish (County).
Got a couple of grandsons now and they are getting to the fun age, so that will take more time also.
Of course entertain drunk people every night!
Life is good and I'm grateful.

#247581 - 11/07/08 09:09 AM Re: Yeah, but what else do you do......
captain Russ Offline
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Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7302
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
I graduated with an accounting degree and, after working a week or so, thought that sucked. After that, I decided to only do for a living what I would do for fun.

Fun is music, photography, film production, illustration, graphics, writing copy, package design, communications research, teaching at the college level...stuff like that. I get to do all that for a living. That's why I'm not close to retiring or slowing down.

For pure fun I rehab houses (4 completed this year at a nice profit) and am a partner in a DJ operation that specializes in car shows with my youngest son. He and I also build show cars, restore old Cushman motor scooters and build custom motorcycles. Our company owns several planes, but, these days, I'm mostly a passenger.

My grandson is my drummer and my oldest son is my bass player on a job or two a week. That's a ball.

I collect stringed instruments and currently have over 300 pieces, including some rare and very valuable ones. Then, there's the keyboards, including two B3's, a C-3, an M, a suitacse Rhodes, DX-7...lots of old tube amplifiers and get the idea (music pack-rat).

I actively support a variety of charities, including playing one job a week and donating the funds to a group that lobbies for nursing home reform. Through a trust I manage, I distribute in excess of $250,000.00 annually to worthy causes, which is extremely fulfilling.

And, I obviously enjoy the antics on the Synthzone.


P.S. Trying to adopt Chas, but need a valid birth certificate and nobody kept records that long ago.

[This message has been edited by captain Russ (edited 11-07-2008).]

#247582 - 11/07/08 09:22 AM Re: Yeah, but what else do you do......
Fran Carango Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
I am a semi retired "Contractor"....not that kind Chas...a building contractor..
Semi means I pick the jobs I want to do..or none..

I have always been active in sports..mostly basketball ( a player, not a button pusher. )..but had to give it up 3 years ago when my achilles (both) were hurt at the same time...after a week or two I was fine again..played another month and decided not to force the issue..I need my strength to carry my G70..

I also like to take pictures and video..

What is important to me...My faith, my family, my friends, my health...and my keyboard of choice..

I have no worries or concerns at the moment...I have been blessed with financial, problem free in no drugs etc...I have 4 grown children ( me and my wife)..all doing well( my oldest daughter has just started teaching (got her teaching degree at age 40...and 6 grandkids....and most important ..they all live within 5 miles from our home...

Here at Synth Zone, it appears on occasions to be a conflictual person..but in reality....NOT...

#247583 - 11/07/08 09:23 AM Re: Yeah, but what else do you do......
spalding Offline

Registered: 09/29/04
Posts: 582
Loc: Birmingham
After work I run a charity for separated parents The site will be updated in the next few weeks. Most evenings i spend about an hour responding to parents who need help gaining access to their children through the courts or mediation. I also go to their homes and help them with their court applications and occasionally appear in court with them as a lay representative if they cant afford a solicitor. When i am not doing that i am spending time with my own daughter when i have my own alternate weekend contact with her and in between that i work on arrangements for the youth choir at church and play my PA1x till early morning. Then start the cycle again !!!!

[This message has been edited by spalding (edited 11-07-2008).]

[This message has been edited by spalding (edited 11-07-2008).]

#247584 - 11/07/08 09:24 AM Re: Yeah, but what else do you do......
Fran Carango Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
Chas, where are your comments..Surely you are going to answer your own post..

#247585 - 11/07/08 11:08 AM Re: Yeah, but what else do you do......
adimatis Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/28/05
Posts: 1159
Loc: Oradea, RO
i used to run a foundation, charity for abandoned children and very poor families. i was the general manager for 5 years. this year i change, i work for another organization for local fundraising.

soon i believe i will start my own charity, to work with children and teenagers.

i like what i do, helping people. i also enjoy very much my work for the church, i enjoy traveling, but lately i am quite laisy - after i got married!

i enjoy photo editing, (home) video editing, computers in general.
Yamaha S770, Studio One 3, EMU 0404USB, ESI, ATH, Dell. And others.

#247586 - 11/07/08 11:08 AM Re: Yeah, but what else do you do......
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
Oh yes, golf is also a passion ... but if I ever got to play with DonM he would have to give me about 10 strokes ...PER SIDE !!! ... ...

t. cool

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