I went back in to have another look. I ended up reinstalling the program. I didn't have any problems with it on my older system and when I downloaded it on that unit.., I was up in running in a matter of minutes with very little tweeking. I didn't have the issue with the metro because on that unit it sent the click to the PC's external speakers without an issue.
I noticed something today though. I went back to the older system to have a look at the metro settings (again I didn't have to dig too deep into those on the older unit). I did notice something though. On my older unit there were several more options for metro settings. Went back to the other computer and realized those options were not showing up. So I did a reinstall..., made a few tweeks during install and those settings now show up.
Yes.., this version lets you set the note for midi click. It wasn't an issue on my older unit so I didn't have to really dig into it. Then., it not even showing up after the download had me really scratching my head.
Oh well.., got her up an running. I don't know why I even installed it. My wife was laughing at me the whole time saying I was crazy for trying to run that old program on this computer
I told her it's a guy thing. We do crazy crap "just to see what'll happen". Kinda like going into a store and seeing some electronic equipment with a button that has a bright red blinking light. We can't help it.., as males.., there's some unknown force driving us to "press the button"