Originally posted by zuki:
Isn't it amusing that Roland releases models to everyone's surprise. Goes to show how much our know-it-all here on the forum really matters
We basically get what they give. Tell me one time Roland has ever listened to anyone here. OS2, OS3... need I go on? There were fixes on OS2 in direct response (straight to the R&D team) to issues I found with the original OS that no-one else even mentioned.
However, I find it amusing that the one person on this forum that is SO resistant to doing anything about flaws in his own keyboard is so quick to deride those that succeed at improving their own (of course, with nothing but assumptions about whether that effort has had success or not).
Ignorance is bliss, eh, zuki?

Oh, and to clear up your other embarrassing blunder, I have never made any prediction about when, if, or what Roland are going to do. I leave that to the psychics here, and just concentrate on what can be done with the one I already have!
I like to speculate about what COULD be done, but I have never made any timeframe speculations, being content (to the most part) already. I can wait for a good one as long as it takes.
And what part of your post doesn't make YOU out to be a know-it-all, zuki? Or rather a not-know-it-all?

Keep pointing that finger... there are three more pointing back!