Makes you wonder what eggs Fran had to tread on to persuade Donny FOR THE SECOND TIME not to part with the E60...

I hope the two of you are still talking, at least...

As to not responding after my comment, well, all I can say is, I sincerely hope everyone gives YOU a bit more slack than that, given how dismissive you are of ANY arranger other than the one you are currently playing, this month!
First we had to listen to you gush about how superior the PSR3k was, and how Korg and Roland were rubbish, then we had to listen to you gush about the S900 (ditto), then we had to listen to you gush about the PA800, and how Yamaha and Roland were rubbish, and then you gushed about the E60, and how much better it was than Yamaha or Korg (have I missed anything?

). Somewhere in the I think there was a Ketron, but I've lost count...

As partisan as you are, but only to this month's arranger, I'm sorry, but not responding to me is going to look like a benefit, not a punishment