Well I see Ketron HAS zipped AJ's lips shut apparently.
Unless we caught him at an inopportune time and he's on the road this holiday season visiting relatives, etc. My guess is though, that Ketron hasn't given him a green light to discuss aftermarket audio style support for the Audya at this time (or ever). Which makes me wonder?? Why does Ketron have such a hard time divulging or even discussing various product information to an interested public about their product's features and/or support?? It tells
me at least, that right off the bat, there is this "gulf" that separates the company from the masses. And the "masses" are the ones buying the company's products in the first place.
One thing I have to give Yamaha is that Steve Deming (and other Yamaha employees) are their "lifeline" to consumers, which helps immensely in the selling of Yamaha keyboard products to the general public. The more people know about a product or products, the more willing they are, in my opinion, to fork over the necessary cash for that particular company's products. When the communication is brief or "obscure", or few and far between, there are going to be a lot of question marks on people's minds regarding the product(s) - that are still left unanswered and unresolved. You would think if Ketron "really" wanted the Audya to sell well, they would be bending over backwards getting the word out and speaking as much as possible to concerned consumers about the Audya. Everything seems soooooooo top secret with the Audya that it makes you wonder if it even exists in the first place (demos or no demos

), or worse yet, it was put together in such a happenstance manner; and therefore released to a belying, and unsuspecting general public who haven't the foggiest.
>> Maybe AJ feels intimidated by me is all.

Possibly, and preferrably, if someone else (who he likes

) would ask him, then maybe he would be more inclined to reply and answer questions put forth to him??

I just want answers, that's all.
Maybe someone higher up on the chain at Ketron would be willing to give us some answers as well.
Luv ya AJ!

We just want some answers dude..

Whether from you or from anyone else at Ketron proper. [img]
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/cool.gif[/img] Just some answers... and some reassurance about the Audya too if possible. [img]
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 12-07-2008).]