I just read the Audya specs again and it looks like the Sampler RAM is factory shipped with a total of 64MB already installed with apparently NO ability to expand the RAM. So that means that all the samples you transfer (load) into the Audya will have to be loaded into the Hard Drive??? Whereas the 64MB of Sampler RAM will be used exclusively for audio Instrument loops and only for the purpose of editing the audio loops?? and once edited you transfer them to the Hard Disk where they will be streamed from the Disk when you call them up???
Also, on the USB thingy. I noticed that the Audya has USB to Host AND to Device so I would like to think that the Audya WILL have USB 2.0. I think I noticed that once before but it has been over a year or more since I refreshed my self on the Audya's specs. Presently there is nothing confirmed from Ketron as of yet

- but we seem to grope around and find our own rays of light piercing the darkness on occasion without them. Whether those rays of light are actually factual or not is anyone's guess because only Ketron knows for sure what the "real" answers "really" are. And so far they are keeping the USB answer to themselves for whatever reason; and God and Ketron only knows why that is.

>> The tip-off is USB to "Device" (if they're using the same term as Yamaha uses To Device for). Korg uses To "Host" to mean an external Hard Drive, Thumb Drive, etc. whilst Yamaha uses To Device to mean the same thing. If the Audya can 'handle' To Device through USB, my guess is the Audya USB interface WILL be USB 2.0. Stranger things have happened though of course, and Ketron
could theoretically use USB 1.1 in conjunction with a To Device USB port. Why on EARTH they would ever consider doing such a thing is inconceivable to me though, and hopefully they haven't with the Audya.
But still no word from Ketron regarding the true nature of the Audya's USB interface is mind boggling in itself if you ask me, and leaves a very undesirable taste in my mouth as far as trusting or relying upon Ketron for conclusive answers to my other questions and/or support of their products in the future if I buy one.

AJ has answered some of our questions here on this forum and I thank him for that but why does he or Ketron proper have to be soooooooo selective in the questions they deem appropriate to answer??

We're talking about a NEW keyboard being released in approximately a month and Ketron is still hesitant to answer some of our most basic questions about it???

When will they ever learn that you HAVE to GET THE WORD OUT (hello??) if you want people to turn around and purchase your products! Why would someone purchase one of Ketron's products if their fundamental questions about some of its "basic" functions of operation continually goes unanswered by the Company that produces that very product?? Just a thought....

All I can say is, if Ketron will NOT answer some of these very pressing and pertinent questions we put to forth to them, we ALL had better make very certain that the Audya comes with a 30 day money back guarantee on it. >> The place over in the UK that was selling a prototype Audya a few months ago was an "ALL SALES ARE FINAL" transaction with NO possibility of a return or refund.

God help us if when the 'production' Audya goes on sale in January and Ketron stipulates that very same "tactic" (tactical
error more like

) with each and every Audya it attempts to sell to the public.

If they do, my guess is they'll sell VERY FEW of them if any at all. [img]
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/wink.gif[/img] I know I wouldn't buy it if they did something as dastardly as that. [img]
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/mad.gif[/img] Don't even think about it Ketron... [img]
Best, Mike