Originally posted by Dnj:
Funny how people will play in front of an audience ...think nothing of it & are confident they sound good....but on an Internet forum will never post a demo, or song, etc, in fear of critical opinions...
very weird.
I too find it peculiar that there is a dearth of personal accomplishment posted in a forum like this. Criticism cannot be taken to heart. No one has received more public and private criticism than a Neil Diamond impersonator or ANY impersonator. LOL
I remember producing my own little track show with two background singers in the mid eighties for one night and sold tickets. I was heckled so bad by one group in the room of 300 the show was stopped and they were removed. After that I memorized a bucket load of comebacks like a comedian.
The point is if I took ANY negative criticism seriously I would have never seen and performed at vacation resorts, theaters, amphitheaters all over the US and Abroad. Diego Garcia was the longest plane rides. I would not be semi retired at 50 because I would have not moved to Las Vegas and been seen by the Originator of the tribute Show, John Stuart who I worked for for many years. I could not afford to work in a music store part time selling dreams. I would not have sold thousands of home produced CDs of MY songs. I would have caved and believed in those who said I sucked in papers publicly and privately, and in performance. Just like the guy who got bashed in another thread. I feel for him. I have been there..bought the T-Shirt. Used it to wash my cars and bike.
As far as the song goes. I learned a long time ago from very wise people its not about the production.ITSS. (It's the song stupid) Lighting won't save a bad show, nor music and great acting a poor script. A good Song will shine through the worst production. I had the opportunity to hear demos of some hits before they were hits. I GOT it. A good song should stand alone without production on just piano voice or guitar voice. That's the litmus test. The production is the Christmas wrapping which is sometimes better then the gift.
Today people sell production. There are no standards. Its all dated. Just the Way You Are is dated but stands the test of time, as does Sweet Caroline which apparently is a theme song for the Red Soxs
Song first wrapping second. I have high hopes to wrap the song in better wrapping paper using professional players who created the arrangement styles as well as continuing to arrange my own work using portions of styles and sampled loops of real drummers. I hate programming anything.

[This message has been edited by Kingfrog (edited 12-28-2008).]