Kalimero... finally an adult look at this issue..!
Basically, a PC assumes you are an idiot, and goes ahead and installs components, code, and stuff like that without you ever being aware of the fact. This is great in a perfect world. But we don't live in that one (except for Kingfrog

We live in the world where people exploit those supposedly helpful hooks for all kinds of malicious purposes. It's bad enough when programs allow hackers to trick you into revealing sensitive information, but that's a USER issue. And yes, there are dumb Mac users as well as dumb PC users. Phishing strikes the Mac community as easily as the PC world. But the Mac OS WILL NOT install any code without asking you first.
After that, it is up to you... But any system that does YOUR job for you in the background, without you even being aware of it is an accident (or assassination!) waiting to happen...
BTW, I'm still chuckling over Froggy's gloating over the percentages of Mac/PC users, all the while using an arranger that WAY less than 10% of the entire arranger community uses.

I guess, when it makes sense to HIM, using a product that is used by few and costs a lot more than most isn't the boneheaded decision he thinks using a Mac is

Because choosing something that just WORKS, although it might cost a lot more, doesn't make HIM "Elite'

No sir... that's just good common sense. It is merely everyone ELSE that uses that thinking that is an idiot, isn't it?

Let's just put this to bed... When droves of Mac users migrate over to a PC because the damn things are unreliable, and give them constant problems, and the PC's are always trouble-free (comparatively), and have no need for Geek Squads, let's talk again

I've enjoyed our time together, Grandpa Froggy