OK, so, just to put this to bed (wouldn't want to upset any of our members who seem to be averse to any investigation short of playing the damn thing

If I PLAY a C7#9, the Audya's audio track WILL play a C7#9 chord, and not just a C7 chord? It's the extensions I am most concerned about (for now! Wait until I get going about how the loop audio handles played chord changes at odd times or slightly late!).
Tom... I've already put this behind us

But seeing as it was Ketron I was asking this information from, rather than you (who felt duty bound to spring in to the defense of this poor, poor maligned arranger manufacturer!), would you mind if I got this answered to MY satisfaction, and not yours?

You may not give a rats whether certain chords get played or not... Is it OK with you if I do...? No?